It’s been two-and-a-half months since Meghan McCain departed The View, and it seemed at the time like she was leaving in a huff. Boy, was she. In a new excerpt from her forthcoming audiobook Bad Republican published in Variety on Tuesday, the conservative commentator said the show bred a “toxic work environment” that leaves one feeling like they’re in “quicksand.” But she made sure to single out co-hosts Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, both liberal, for inspiring her departure. And people on social media couldn’t help thanking the two for their service.
What have you done to thank Joy Behar today? https://t.co/WtUaCagk0p
— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) October 19, 2021
The incident that put the nail in the coffin of McCain’s View tenure, she claims, came after she returned from maternity leave, only to find someone hadn’t missed her. That person was Behar. During a segment back in January — some eight months before she actually vamoosed — McCain tried to joke with Behar, cracking, “You missed me so much, Joy. You missed me so much when I was on maternity leave. You missed fighting with me.” But Behar did not give in. “I did not,” she replied. “I did not miss you. Zero.”
“Nothing anyone has ever said to me on camera since I have been giving interviews since I was 22 years old ever hit this hard,” McCain writes in her audio-memori. “I felt like I’d been slapped.”
One could say it’s a bit melodramatic for McCain to drag one of her View co-hosts for saying mean things on-air. After all, McCain called Behar a “bitch” during a taping back in 2019. She later defended the slur, saying, “We call each other bitch all the time” and that people should “stop being so precious about our relationship.” Then again, being diplomatic doesn’t sell audiobooks.
Surely, McCain meant to drag Behar, make her look mean, like she’d brought a premature end to what could have been an even longer stint on The View. But not everyone on social media took it that way. Many offered Behar — and Goldberg — thanks for ridding the show of its most controversial figure.
My esteem for Joy Behar has just gone to the stratosphere. https://t.co/tU0bOLwdkZ
— Joe Kirkendall (@joe_curtaincall) October 19, 2021
"Meghan McCain Says She Left the View Because of Purposeful Hostility From Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar"
I'd like to thank them.
— Renee Libby
(@ReneeAlida) October 19, 2021
Good morning to Whoopi and Joy Behar ONLY!!! https://t.co/2lbTP0seEA
— Amethyst Phoenix (@MamaAvesha) October 19, 2021
Meghan McCain said she left The View because Joy Behar and Whoopi were mean to her.
That was Joy’s and Whoopi’s best work!
You go girls!!!!— Mayday Mindy
(@maydaymindy9) October 19, 2021
We Do Not Care. Joy Behar you’re funny as fuck for this btw https://t.co/A0JNb3cBke
— I…was nice today… (@evadotnet) October 19, 2021
Joy Behar inspiring me and other mean Jewish women that we can always break some wasp bitch’s spirit no matter how old we are
— female impersonator (@HormonalJew) October 19, 2021
Others reminded people that McCain was far from innocent here.
Meghan McCain called Joy Behar a “BITCH” on live television and she thought that she would be missed? #TheView https://t.co/sUHe6jXewa
— WhyMassaDidn'tWantUsToLearnToReadOrWrite (@KellyFBabi) October 19, 2021
There were other jokes, too.
Meghan McCain and Joy Behar. pic.twitter.com/e8trhJhJwG
— Kevin Daly (@kevinddaly) October 19, 2021
And there were people who didn’t miss McCain either, during her maternity leave and during her retirement, when this “bad Republican” is visitng the likes of Sean Hannity.
BREAKING — Meghan McCain whines that Joy Behar said she “didn’t miss her” when she left The View.
— CALL TO ACTIVISM (@CalltoActivism) October 19, 2021
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