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Noted ‘Stable Genius’ With A ‘Very Large Brain’ Donald Trump Again Thinks Obama Is The Current President

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It’s no secret that Donald Trump likes to bray about his “very, very large brain” a lot. He also loves to remind everyone how he “aced” a very simple cognitive test given to senior citizens to check for signs of dementia when he was president. (It’s almost like he’s … insecure about his brain?) Donald Trump also loves to bray about Joe Biden’s brain, specifically how the brain of “Sleepy Joe” is basically a bowl of mashed potatoes (while also being some sort of criminal mastermind helming the “Biden Crime Family”). But lately, it’s been the “stable genius” Trump whose brain appears to be rapidly rotting, what with his insistence that Biden was leading us into “World War II” while also repeatedly referring to Obama as the current president.

Well, today he did it again, this time in a speech at a rally in New Hampshire in the course of praising the authoritarian leader of Hungary. Here’s the disgraced former president once again confusing who the current president is.

But the head of Hungary. Very tough, strong guy. Viktor Orban, did anybody ever hear him? Probably, you know, considered very powerful, very powerful within his country and outside of his country, not exactly loved by some of the European nations…But they were interviewing him two weeks ago and they said, “What would you advise President Obama? The whole world seems to be exploding and imploding.” And he said “It’s very simple. He should immediately resign and they should replace him with President Trump, who kept the world safe.”

The DeSantis campaign was quick to pounce on the gaffe.

While the state of Biden’s brain is certainly a source of legitimate concern, Trump definitely doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck these days either. But then again, Trump is facing close to triple-digit felony charges. That would cause one to lose some sleep, surely.

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