Donald Trump has spent years grifting off his own supporters, but MAGA heads who visited his legal defense fund site late last week were in for a surprise. As per Raw Story, a strange message greeted visitors, effectively telling potential donors to use their money elsewhere.
HACKED: Hackers infiltrate Trump's Patriot Legal Defense Fund website https://t.co/wIVjnY7vdE
Archive: https://t.co/WoddWAR1fE#Anonymous pic.twitter.com/5PjdJF8Tcu— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) August 19, 2023
“Do not support Donald Trump’s fraudulent patriot legal defense fund,” read the site. “In our country, everyone has to follow the rules, no matter who they are. Our Constitution, the big rule book of our nation, says that we’re all equal. Nobody gets special treatment.”
The statement continued:
“I want to talk a bit about lying. A lie is when someone doesn’t tell the truth on purpose. It’s like saying you ate an apple when you really ate a cookie. Lying is bad because it breaks trust. Imagine if your friends didn’t believe you anymore because you lied a lot. In some cases, like when people lie to the courts or the police, it’s not just bad, it’s a crime.”
It’s safe to assume the Trump team wasn’t suddenly telling the truth. Hackers are likely to blame.
Whatever did Donald Trump do? In case you hadn’t heard, he’s become the first former American president to rack up not one, not two, not three, but four criminal indictments. The allegations involve, respectively, hush money payments, mishandling of classified government documents, his involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, and election interference in Georgia.
None of this has soured voters on the big guy. Quite the contrary, it seems. Nor have Republican voters felt disgusted that he refuses to pay his loyal pal Rudy Giuliani the money he owes him so he can climb out of financial peril.
(Via Raw Story)
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