Every day for the past month-plus, there’s been one, two, sometimes three bizarre allegations about George Santos. The newly sworn-in GOP representative has been busted embellishing or lying about his résumé, his history, even his mom’s death. He’s also been accused of some truly alarming, leftfield deeds. On Tuesday, a story alleged that he stole money from a GoFundMe to save a dying dog’s life. (The dog later died.) Now it’s alleged one of the latest members of the anti-drag queen party used to be…a drag queen.
NEW: I just spoke by phone with Eula Rochard, a Brazilian drag queen who was friends with George Santos when he lived near Rio. She said everyone knew him as Anthony (*never* George), or by his drag name, Kitara, and confirms this photo is from a 2008 drag show at Icaraí Beach. pic.twitter.com/1MeeDR1O2O
— Marisa Kabas (@MarisaKabas) January 18, 2023
MSNBC contributor Marisa Kabas took to Twitter Wednesday, saying she spoke with a Brazilian drag queen named Eula Rochard. She claims to have been friends with Santos when he used to in near Rio. But “George Santos” is not what she — or, she said, anyone — called him.
“She said everyone knew him as Anthony (*never* George), or by his drag name, Kitara, and confirms this photo is from a 2008 drag show at Icaraí Beach,” Kabas posted, alongside a fuzzy picture of two drag queens, one believed to be Santos, if that is his real name.
Rochard told Kabas that she first befriended Santos when he was a teenager “because they were both gay and enjoyed drag.” When Santos became a prolific news fixture due to the many, many, many allegations against him, she realized it was the same person. No one believed her, so she dug into her old photos and found the one since posted by Kabas on social media.
When the story was made public, the news left some thinking they wouldn’t be surprised by any Santos story, no matter how creatively leftfield, at this point.
We've reached the point where no revelation about "Santos" would surprise me. He was caught on camera last weekend doing a smash and grab at a candy store? Sure. He moonlights as an ice cream truck driver who steals money from little kids? Sounds about right. https://t.co/ma3Js5i1Mt
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 18, 2023
Honest to god, at this point, you could tell me that Santos has been eating babies, murdered Santa, and has a field mouse in place of a penis, and I'd be like "Yeah, I believe it." https://t.co/Fd3mmHez2X
— The Rude Pundit (@rudepundit) January 18, 2023
Some were impressed by how prolific the guy is.
George Santos is the first gay jewish catholic hispanic black caucasian son of immigrants Ivy League graduate cancer survivor Republican member of Congress whose ancestors survived the Holocaust and died on 9/11 who was also a drag queen. Is there anything this guy can't do!? https://t.co/61oO5jzByg
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 18, 2023
The gift that keeps on giving. https://t.co/NLDCH88HX9
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) January 18, 2023
Others noted that the revelations come at a time when the party to which he belongs has been on not only an anti-LGTBQIA+ tirade, but had singled out drag queens as some kind of menace — even after far right domestic terrorists had shot up places holding drag queen performances.
I’m sure his fellow Republicans are gonna love this https://t.co/zxueUKaxQU
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) January 18, 2023
george santos doing drag is awesome but also hilarious since republicans are currently on the longest drag-hating campaign ever https://t.co/tN50V2j7E6
— manny (@mannyfidel) January 18, 2023
I'm guessing Kevin McCarthy and the rest of the GOP will suddenly be open to the idea of tearing up all that bullsht anti-transgender legislation? @GOP @SpeakerMcCarthy https://t.co/URUVAQyEoC
(@ifudontlike2bad) January 18, 2023
According to Kevin McCarthy, George Santos aka Kitara is now a “member in good standing” of the rabidly homophobic Republican Party https://t.co/nJKm4beMAr
— Lindy Li (@lindyli) January 18, 2023
oh my GOOOODDDD??? hahahaha the republicans are definitely gonna RIOT his gorgeous ass out of his job. https://t.co/M0HT5Lp5YV
— Zara Rahim (@ZaraRahim) January 18, 2023
I'd love to see Santos go on Tucker Carlson's show. It'd be totally lit. https://t.co/ozvKUNKQGl
— George Conway
(@gtconway3d) January 18, 2023
Not George Santos, or Anthony Devolder, or whatever dressing in drag while joining forces with people who villainize drag queens as dangerous to society. https://t.co/12qtdU40pA
— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) January 18, 2023
Are you telling me the people obsessing about drag queen story hour just placed a Brazilian drag queen on the Science Committee? https://t.co/d1KnrcqBFU
— Morten Øverbye (@morten) January 18, 2023
Santos will probably do what he’s done after every single other of the many allegations against him: Nothing. Ditto GOP highers-up, who have placed him on committees despite his alleged deceptions.
Still, some noted, the guy sure has a lot of aliases at this point.
.@Santos4Congress is a gay, drag queen, minority, Jew-ish man who balled in college and raises money for sick dogs. DEAL WITH IT! https://t.co/sQRjaq0Ek7 pic.twitter.com/nYiWdJK8r1
— Prison Mitch (@MidnightMitch) January 18, 2023
Kitara is his best name yet. https://t.co/N2BOM08lmO
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) January 18, 2023
At least there’s finally a picture of Santos not wearing a sweater.
Buried lede: There's a picture of George Santos not wearing a sweater https://t.co/bUec75HFtC
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) January 18, 2023
Some were even impressed that he now has a drag queen story to his rap sheet.
wtf I love George Santos now https://t.co/j2WMOXtuiv
— Damin Toell (@damintoell) January 18, 2023
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