Republicans used to duke it out with Democrats. Nowadays they fight themselves. As Donald Trump’s star appears to wane, the party is torn between those who want to at least appear to be sensible — and therefore get re-elected — and the DGAF extremists more than willing to play saboteurs. They couldn’t even elect a Speaker of the House without it descending into chaos. Marjorie Taylor Greene has unexpectedly squabbled with her former besties. Now she’s found herself another enemy.
As per Mediaite, Mike Lindell, the pillow salesman-turned-incorrigible conspiracy theorist, appeared on a podcast published on Telegram on Thursday, during which he let slip that he doesn’t think so highly of the lawmaker who had to be educated about the Holocaust in middle age. He was singing the praises of the MAGA politicians who “have made promises to the grassroots, they’ve made promises to the people.” Then he started naming names.
“Matt Gaetz is not going to break his promise,” Lindell said. “I’m very surprised that the one, I won’t name her name, but it’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, she broke her promise.”
Lindell then realized he’d blurted out her name a mere second or two after claiming he wound’t. “Oh I did name her name. Oh, I let it slip out,” Lindell said. “Now the media can say ‘Mike Lindell bashes Marjorie Taylor Greene!’”
And here we are.
Lindell did try to backpedal a bit, though he didn’t make much sense. “You know, I just think that she, I mean, it’s her choice. But obviously, she was promised something,” he said. “And I don’t know if that promise helps the people, you know what I mean?”
Lindell has been busy, not only doing what he usually does — making wild and unprovable claims of voter fraud — but also gunning to be head of the RNC. That hasn’t been going well either.
(Via Mediaite)
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