Indie music has grown to include so much. It’s not just music that is released on independent labels but speaks to an aesthetic that deviates from the norm and follows its own weirdo heart. It can come in the form of rock music, pop, or folk. In a sense, it says as much about the people that are drawn to it as it does about the people that make it.
Every week, Uproxx is rounding up the best new indie music from the past seven days. This week we got new music from Paramore, Blondshell, Samia, Whitney, and more.
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Paramore — “The News”
Some people are calling “The News” Paramore’s best song yet, and they wouldn’t be wrong. The Bloc Party-inspired banger has one of their most infectious, headbanging-worthy choruses with vivacious guitars and Hayley Williams’s unrelenting vocals: “Every second our collective heart break / All together every single head shakes / Shut your eyes but it won’t go away,” she belts.
Blondshell — “Veronica Mars”
From the sparkling “Kiss City” to the addictive “Olympus,” Blondshell’s songs have been distinctive, powerful fragments of indie rock. “Veronica Mars” is the latest release and it’s her most cathartic yet, digging into the grit she merely approached in her earlier tracks, exploding into an unabating guitar solo that feels like transcendence.
Sparklehorse — “It Will Never Stop”
“It Will Never Stop” was released by the Sparklehorse estate and it’s a fuzzed-out, endearing gem. Mark Linkous, who tragically passed in 2010, sings poetic lines with distorted vocals: “Oh please don’t go away / Captain blowed me astray / Oh please don’t vaporize into the sun my love.”
Samia — “Sea Lions”
Samia effortlessly grabs the listener’s attention within the first few lines of “Sea Lions“: “Screaming porn kills love / Outside your window with the Adventists / I know it’s wrong / Can’t remember how I got like this.” Her vocals sound as light as a feather despite the emotional weight; the admission of being wrong in the first few seconds of the piano ballad is a testament to her compelling honesty. It only gets better from there, transforming into an electronic experience halfway through.
White Reaper — “Fog Machine”
In a statement, White Reaper vocalist and guitarist Tony Esposito mentioned that this new single “Fog Machine” is the band’s favorite song to play live. It’s no wonder why; the track is invigorating, encapsulating the energy and exhilaration of a mosh pit. Taken from their forthcoming album Asking For A Ride, “Fog Machine” is an exciting snippet.
Florence And The Machine, Ethel Cain — “Morning Elvis”
A Florence And The Machine and Ethel Cain collaboration feels inevitable, and it’s the perfect way to top off 2022. Ethel joined Florence onstage at Florence’s show in Denver and their performance of “Morning Elvis” was thankfully recorded and released, capturing their stunning, haunting voices and captivating harmonies.
Pile — “Poisons”
Pile is preparing for the release of their new album All Fiction, and this latest single “Poisons” is a bewitching preview. It broods and seethes with an alluring, off-kilter energy that the band is known for, digging into unorthodox instrumentation that puts the listener in a disoriented haze.
Whitney — “Other People” (Beach House Cover)
Beach House is not an easy band to cover. They’re known for making music that is unmatched in its sense of tranquility and poignance, yet Whitney, who unveiled their new album Spark earlier this year, did their song “Other People” justice. Whitney made it their own, adding a peppy feel to it and imbuing it with their own tastes.
Buggin — “Attitude”
Buggin’s 2020 EP Buggin Out was nothing short of compelling chaos. The hardcore group go all in with brief spurts of unrelenting mayhem, and they’ve done it again with “Attitude,” which doesn’t even reach the one-minute mark yet is completely packed with explosive breakdowns and infectious energy.
Gorillaz — “Skinny Ape”
Gorillaz rarely do anything normally — so the release of “Skinny Ape” has been no casual affair. The tame, soothing song serenades its listener, quietly building into a bombastic electronic anthem that should be expected from Gorillaz. They’ll be bringing it to life in New York City and London with immersive experiences this weekend.
Some artists covered here are Warner Music artists. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.
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