Episode four of Pod Yourself The Wire is now available early at Patreon.com/frotcast. Episode three is now available for free.
“Tap tap tap is the sound of Poot’s boner on the window” -Dave Schilling
On this episode of The Wire, the police try to get a desk through a door, but no one knows which direction they’re going (it’s a metaphor), and on this episode of Pod Yourself The Wire, Matt and Vince invite the host of the Free Validation podcast and writer for the LA Times, Dave Schilling to talk about season one episode four, “Old Cases.”
This is the episode featuring the famous f-word scene. McNulty and Bunk show that they may be alcoholic philanderers with limited vocabularies, but they’re natural po-lice who understand basic bullet physics. Omar wouldn’t like hearing all those dirty words coming out of their pretty mouths, but the rest of us piggies are eating it up yum yum yum.
We’re getting sent back to pawn shop duty if we don’t get more five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts
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-Description by Brent Flyberg
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