In a world of fun live-streaming cooking challenges and glossy high-production food shows, it’s easy to forget that actual real-world kitchen work is a grueling and thankless grind, which is why Hulu and FX’s The Bear is resonating so strongly with viewers. The Bear might be a fictional account of the type of foul-mouthed chaos that occurs in kitchens big and small across the country, but the show serves up more realism than any reality cooking competition ever can — something we never knew we needed.
As unsexy and gritty as The Bear shows kitchen work to be, for whatever reason, mostly because the internet will always be uncontrollably horny, people are losing their shit over the show’s lead character, Carmen “Carmy” Berzatto, played by Jeremy Allen White (shout out to Shameless’ Lip) who exudes a rare sort of sexy scum bag energy that everyone, whether you’ve worked in the restaurant scene or merely observed this phenomenon as a patron, has at one time come across or dated. Or you know, more accurately, just slept with, but they “promise they’ll call you back.”
To be clear, little of this actually has to do with the character White plays on The Bear, and more about the way he looks: greasy, messy, and ready to ask you for rent money.
Tatiana Tenreyro wrote a great piece exploring the phenomenon in a piece for Mel and yesterday Third & Long host and podcaster Sarah York tweeted in a thread,
“I haven’t watched ‘The Bear’ yet but I’m thrilled that people who’ve never worked in a restaurant are being introduced to an exclusive strain of Sexually Competent Dirtbag that only exists in a restaurant kitchen,”
Does he look like Pete Davidson? Yes. Has he brushed his teeth today? No, he came straight to work at 10:09 am from some girl’s apartment around the corner from the bar you all frequent after work. He had two cigs and a Red Bull for breakfast.
— Sarah York (@thesarahyork) July 6, 2022
Prompting many to share their experiences with their own personal Carmys. Take a look at some of the confessions below, but prepare yourself for the reminder that you likely have your own Carmy scars, if you’re not a Carmy yourself.
I went on a single date with a chef after his shift, told me about how he was no longer doing coke but that the kitchen had a real problem with it
— Rainie Blackwell’s Therapist (@stargazerseye) July 6, 2022
When I was a server I hooked up with a sous chef and he physically tore my button down off my body Superman style and then TORE MY JEANS OFF THROUGH THE ZIPPER. I had to borrow basketball shorts and a tank to go home. 10/10 would do it again.
— Nathan Ramos-Park (@nathanramospark) July 6, 2022
I worked with this guy in the mid-eighties. Every woman on the staff crushed on him, several had affairs with him, which he inevitably screwed up, and they never got angry with him. Because he was just so sweet.
— The Yellow Kid (@_Yellow_Kid_) July 6, 2022
the type of dude to carelessly risk their job to sneak you a free meal in hopes you will smash eventually (it usually works but once you do it he’s on to the next hottest hostess and you’re back to paying for your 30% off shift meal)
— grand canyon status slut (@rosapolverosa) July 6, 2022
Some people down bad for this guy, if you know a chef I guarantee that he’s been a version of this guy at one point or another. My wife still makes fun of me for not having curtains when we started dating but enough money for fancy knives.
— Dylan Weiss (@Redeyeweiss) July 6, 2022
The most fuckable guy you’ve ever met but who’s stress level is beyond your comprehension, and will look into your soul for a sign as he feeds you a new creation. You probably don’t meet again for 6 months, but damn the sex.
— Marianne, not a mary anne (@pastrycreamm) July 6, 2022
This is absolutely some guy I would have slept with in my 20s and had him saved in my phone as something like "Guy from bar DO NOT ANSWER"
— Casey K. (@CaseyCannolis) July 6, 2022
There are two subclasses here: one will treat a tuna filet with more care and respect than they would ever think to show a woman in their life. The other is a tireless defender of others and will put their neck on the line for them. There is no outside way to tell which is which.
— Ben (@BMunise) July 6, 2022
this screenshot did more for the bear than any advertising could pic.twitter.com/E1cj8Bsa7G
— iana murray (@ianamurray) July 3, 2022
He's got a mattress on his floor, and that's how you know both that you should come in, but also that you should never come back again.
— Ken likes board games. (@Nowayjose1979) July 6, 2022
The reason the show The Bear works is because there is one hot but sad guy with good hair and four funny people around him this formula always works
— Sophia Benoit (@1followernodad) July 6, 2022
my roommate said "worth the yeast infection" pic.twitter.com/ZNQUcz6Bd2
— Tony Tulathimutte (@tonytula) June 30, 2022
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