The midterm elections have been predicted to be a bloodbath for the Democrats, who haven’t exactly risen to the many challenges that have plagued them. But maybe they won’t be so bad after all? Donald Trump’s star may (finally!) be on the wane, and some of the MAGA candidates currently campaigning aren’t doing so hot. Even Fox News is starting to get a little worried that Mitch McConnell won’t be back as Senate majority leader after all. And if he isn’t, it will be thanks in part to three underperforming conservatives.
As per Mediaite, on Sunday, Fox News host Mike Emmanuel brought on Sen. John Barasso, and point blank laid out the party’s cards. “Republicans believe they have a golden opportunity to win back the majority,” he said. “But if candidates like Herschel Walker, Eric Greitens, and Doctor Oz are not winning over the voters, is there a possibility the GOP could blow this opportunity?”
Barasso at least wouldn’t admit he was worried, pointing to issues like inflation, border chaos, crime in cities (which can be partly blamed on the easy availability of guns, which Republicans wholeheartedly support). But maybe he is deep down. After all, all three aforementioned candidates are both trailing in polls in Georgia, Missouri, and Pennsylvania. They’ve also been frequent subjects of controversy and sometimes mockery.
Walker, for instance, is trailing 10 points behind incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock, partly because people keep finding kids whose existence he’s never made public, and partly because he keeps saying bizarre, incoherent, mushy-brained stuff.
Dr. Oz, meanwhile, is the frequent punching bag of his Democratic opponent, John Fetterman. Last week, for example, Fetterman dragged him for recording a campaign video for Pennsylvania voters from his mansion in New Jersey.
Then there’s Eric Greitens, who has come under fire for making straight-up violent campaign ads in which he threatens to gun down “RINOs,” or “Republicans in Name Only.” He already had to resign from governor of Missouri amidst various scandals and accusations of assault, and has been accused of physical abuse from his ex-wife.
All three are endorsed by Trump, and all are not polling great, with only a few months left till election day. Barasso, however, said he was “optimistic” about Republicans’ chances due to sitting Democrats’ performance. But there’s a chance they could have blown a sure thing, all thanks to dopey, Trump-backed candidates, one of whom isn’t even sure how many states there are in America.
(Via Mediaite)
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