Twitter users are sharing their soju stories after a viral video about the Korean spirit has taken off on TikTok. Posted by user CrownMeCutie, the video in question, which has been viewed more than 13 million times with 28k comments (and that’s after the OG video had been removed by TikTok), shows CrownMeCutie shopping at an Asian market when she stumbles upon a 12 oz bottle of fruit-flavored Joa Soju and remarks about its strong ABV content and small package.
@crownmecutie Tiktok keep taking this down lol it’s juice
After a cut and a drive home, CrownMeCutie pops open the bottle, gives it a good gulp, winces, and proclaims “ugh that’s liquor!” repeatedly, gifting TikTok users with one of the greatest soundbites to ever hit the app. Expect to hear this soundbite used throughout the year constantly, especially in videos that have nothing to do with liquor.
Soju, if you’re unfamiliar, is a clear distilled spirit made from rice, wheat, barley, or sometimes potato and often sweetened with fruit flavors like apple, plum, lychee, or other fruit flavors. We wouldn’t classify it as strong, but as CrownMeCutie says, “That’s liquor!”
Bottles of Soju typically hover around 20% ABV, making soju significantly weaker than your typical vodka and tequila but much much stronger than beer (which comes in a similar-sized 12 oz bottle) and wine. Because of its small package, people who are unfamiliar with the spirit tend to underestimate its ability to get you twisted, but most commonly, soju is served as more of a communal drink. The idea is to pour a few shots between friends from a single bottle and reach for another when it’s time for more or keep the buzz going by drinking the shot alongside a beer. That isn’t going to stop people from downing a bottle all by themselves though, and once the viral clip hit Twitter, users started to share their own Soju experiences.
Heed the advice below!
Soju is literally what had me so blacked out, i tripped and hit my head on a wall, and have been recovering from a concussion every since shit is not to be played with! Have fun but be careful folks!
— oaxacan princess (@anotherrworldd_) April 12, 2022
soju is nothin to fuck with
— Victor Beats (@prodbyvictor) April 12, 2022
This fucking drink was literally the cause of me ending two friendships because i was a piece of shit after drinking the whole thing-
— Snarky (@ThisisSnarky) April 12, 2022
This is all you’re seeing after HALF a bottle lol
— riela (@reallyriela) April 12, 2022
It's soju…taste damn near like nothing and will have you OUT THERE! Sneaks up on you. Mixes GREAT with everything
— (@theartofgemayel) April 12, 2022
I had to switch to manual breathing after a couple shots
— Alex. EMT-B, CPR, ABC (@AACfromDC) April 12, 2022
Yall getting fucked up after only 1 bottle of soju? Dang… maybe I have a problem.
— Clit Eastwood (@IAreZack) April 12, 2022
If you really want to elevate your Soju experience, don’t just drink it out of the bottle, invite some friends over and make some Soju Bombs as demonstrated by TikTok user Chanyoung1127.
@chanyoung1127 Enjoy your weekend with ‘sojubomb’ :) #sojubomb
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