Kanye West has been a busy man as of late. Between promoting and finishing his eleventh album Donda 2 and keeping us updated on his life through numerous Instagram posts, Kanye is the epitome of active nowadays. While his future moves remain to be seen, one of them will certainly result in him going to court. According to the Chicago Tribune, Kanye was subpoenaed to testify in the upcoming trial of his ex-employee Arjun Dhillon who is currently facing federal fraud charges. Prosecutors accuse Dhillion of “falsely representing his association with Kanye West to secure a $250,000 payment” from a Florida philanthropist more than two years ago.
Before the subpoena was issued, Kanye was identified as “Musician A” in court documents. Despite this, prosecutors agreed to reveal his name as potential jurors will have to share any pre-disclosed notions that they have against Kanye. Additionally, the court’s security will need to know when Kanye will appear in court as his arrival will probably attract a large crowd.
Court documents say that Dhillion was “briefly affiliated” with Kanye, but that he was fired sometime in October 2018, about a year before the alleged incident took place. In addition to his attempt to scam the philanthropist, which was thwarted thanks to the victim’s ability to stop the transfer after altering their bank, Dhillion is also accused of creating fake email accounts to convince the victim that he was still in close contact with Kanye.
Jury selection for the trial begins on April 9 and the prosecution and defense have until March 24 to submit their full witness lists for the trial.
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