Gal Gadot has always had classic Hollywood energy, but now she’ll take that next level. According to Variety, the Wonder Woman actress is attached to star in a remake of To Catch a Thief, the Alfred Hitchcock classic from 1955 pairing Cary Grant with Grace Kelly, two icons of the Golden Age at their arguable movie star height.
The redo, set to be written by Eileen Jones (Prodigal Son), is said to be a “substantially updated” take on the original, which has long been described as one of Hitchcock’s fizzier films, including by the legendary director himself. It came in the midst of some of his most challenging and innovative works, such as Rear Window, Vertigo, and The Wrong Man, as well as The Trouble with Harry, an ahead-of-its-time pitch black comedy that revolves around a mysterious corpse.
To Catch a Thief, meanwhile, is light on plot and heavy on French Riviera scenery (though most of it was shot, of course, on Paramount’s Hollywood lot). Grant plays a retired jewel thief wrongly accused of a string of burglaries. To clear his name, he does some snooping of his own, all while hob-nobbing with Kelly’s noveau riche widow, with whom he shares some canoodling intercut with nudge-nudgey shots of fireworks exploding.
In which ways the update will be substantial has not yet been made public. Perhaps Gadot will take the Grant role. Perhaps she’ll take the Kelly role and be even more assertive (though Kelly wasn’t exactly meek). Either way it will join the recent revamp of Rebecca in the Hitch remake canon. Perhaps it will even atone for her “Imagine” video debacle.
(Via Variety)
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