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Tux-Wearing Trump Attacked ‘Old Crow’ Mitch McConnell And Mike Pence Again In His Bonkers Interview With Mike Lindell

In what might sadly be described as this generation’s Frost/Nixon interview, unhinged pillow magnate Mike Lindell sat down with a tuxed-up Donald Trump –looking like an aging blackjack dealer in a sh*tty casino — at Mar-a-Lago for a wide-ranging interview that touched on many of their most bonkers shared delusions theories about life and politics. The former president has never been known for his verbal restraint, and he didn’t hold back when it came to his previous allies, including Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence.

As Raw Story reports, Trump is (surprise!) still riding that “Rigged Election!” train, and Lindell is sitting right beside him and enjoying the scenery. After declaring that “these elections were incredibly dishonest,” the former president went on to perform a Greatest Hits album’s worth of his favorite lies, including how he clearly won Arizona and that “they basically used COVID-19, or the China virus, to rig the election and it’s a shame.” Trump’s one wish, he explained, was that the Republicans would get tougher, then singled out McConnell and Pence specifically:

“Mitch McConnell’s a disaster—the guy’s a disaster, the Old Crow… And it was very sad when Mike Pence gave those votes over because when you have more votes than you have voters, when you have others things that are so wrong—and that was then. And since then, many other things have happened.”

Cohesive arguments have never been Trump’s strong suit, but there’s nothing new about the former president blaming anyone and everyone he can for not going along with his Big Lie that the election was stolen from him. You can watch part of the interview above. What you won’t see is the part where, per the Daily Beast, Lindell suggests they should melt down our voting machines and turn them into prison bars, which Trump described as “very interesting” and “a very good idea.”

(Via Raw Story)

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