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Republicans Were Caught On Video Praising (And Laughing At) Kyrsten Sinema And Joe Manchin For Keeping The Filibuster Alive

Joe Biden has been a transformative president, but he hasn’t been able to do as much as he’d like. That’s because Republicans, who don’t control any branch of government, have a magic tool up their sleeve: the filibuster. And the reason they still have the filibuster in the Senate is because two Democrats — Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia — refuse to help destroy it. They’ve stuck by their guns, saying it’s imperative that the Senate remain bipartisan. But now we know how Republicans really feel about them.

As per Insider, a new, surreptitiously filmed video finds a group of Republicans praising the two senators, even laughing at how much they’re helping the GOP cause. The video was taken by Democratic activist Lauren Windsor in late June at a Patriot Voices event, and it finds them singing the praises of the two lawmakers.

One of them is Representative Andy Biggs, also from Arizona, who warns that Democrats are “pushing as far as they can.” And they’d get away with it if it weren’t for these meddling senators. “Fortunately for us, the filibuster’s still in effect in the Senate. Without that we would be dead meat and this thing would be done,” he said, adding, “Thank goodness for Sinema and Joe Manchin.”

Byron Donalds, a representative to Florida, is also a Sinema-Manchin stan, saying he gets to profit off of all the hate they get. “I like it when AOC is going after Joe Manchin,” Donalds says. “IIt makes my job easier as a conservative, you know, because I can go to Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema and be like, ‘Hey, guys, I’m really sorry you’re having to go through that. That’s just a shame.’” This one elicited knowing peals of laughter from the crowd.

And then there’s Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania senator and ex-CNN talking head. His message was simple: “Call Joe Manchin and say thank you. Seriously. Call Kyrsten Sinema and say thank you.”

Both Sinema and Manchin have been roundly criticized for thinking they’re preserving democracy. But at least they have the support of Republicans. And they’re laughing all the way to the bank.

(Via Insider)

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